Girl's "What to Wear" Dilemma
Wednesday, November 28, 2012 @ 2:57 AM | 0 Comment [s]
Now I'm having the same dilemma! Our office Christmas party was announced just 2 weeks before the date. And I got no time to prepare! The theme is Hollywood Red Carpet "Dress to Impress." And I have no idea what to wear... Stressful as it is... Love for Glitters
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 @ 3:23 AM | 0 Comment [s]
a lot of men don't understand how girls pick and choose their stuffs.
But girls do understand each other... ;) Girls can understand just how
adorable stuffs with glitz are. SHINING SHIMMERING SPLENDID... I love
glittered stuffs... From my nails to my shoes, my bags, my cellphone
blings.. Glitters is just so sparklingly magical... Like mini mini
Do you love glitters too?
The Ads! The Disclaimer! Hi sweeties! My name is Love. And yes! I'm a poorita! But that doesn't stop me from being fashionable! So I'm here to share how to be fashionable with less expenses! Hope you enjoy my blog!
"It's never too late to be what you might have been..."
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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn Full Edited : Fashion4Pooritas