Fashion for Pooritas
A lunch at Pepper Lunch

Monday, September 24, 2012 @ 3:35 AM | 0 Comment [s]

My chicks look effing fat in this pic. lol Anyway, this was the first time we eat at Pepper Lunch.  And I ordered the cheapest! LOL Well, it's their best seller anyway... (coz its the cheapest XD)

I had fun eating it.  I was like a child playing some cooking game.  but it was no fun when I finger touched the pan.  So freaking hot!  Anyway, the taste was awesome!  If I had mix it earlier it'll be more flavorful, but I was busy taking pictures first.  XD

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Hi sweeties! My name is Love. And yes! I'm a poorita! But that doesn't stop me from being fashionable! So I'm here to share how to be fashionable with less expenses! Hope you enjoy my blog!

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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn
Full Edited : Fashion4Pooritas