Step by Step Gradient Nail Tutorial
Since I lent my money on some mobile bar business fund, I don't think I can buy a camera any time soon so I'll just gonna have to do a photo tutorial of my gradient nail. Sorry for the quality of the picture... I only used my cellphone's camera for that.
Step 1: Start with you base color. Let it dry. Step 2: Put a small amount of your gradient color on a sponge or on plastic plate then damp the sponge. Step 3: Damp the sponge from the tip of the finger going up ( depending on how high you want the fading to be) Step 4: Repeat step 3, but stop a little lower than the first shade. Step 5: Repeat step 4, but stop a little lower than the previous shade so you can get the fading effect. Step 6: Apply a top coat to even out the roughness and give a shine to your nails. Lame huh? Yeah... I'm lame. |
The Ads! The Disclaimer! ![]() Hi sweeties! My name is Love. And yes! I'm a poorita! But that doesn't stop me from being fashionable! So I'm here to share how to be fashionable with less expenses! Hope you enjoy my blog!
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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn Full Edited : Fashion4Pooritas